Lean Startup Course
Lean Startup Course
The world is changing fast. Learn to work in new ways.
The program is available to all university students in Egypt, graduates, entrepreneurs and others
The course is a real life workshop aimed at “pushing participating teams to the real life of entrepreneurship”, a practical program that inspires participating teams to think, meet customers, develop and test ideas, build prototype and actually sell to real customers. Test your work hypotheses outside the classroom.
Think Big. Start small. Move quickly.
- The training program is designed around 8 weeks - one workshop per week.
- Due to the nature of the course, which is the nature of start-up companies, teams should carry out weekly tasks on a regular basis and finish tasks before the next week as we will keep building on each week work.
- The program is available to all university students in Egypt, graduates, entrepreneurs and others
- Special discount for Chinese University students
The weeks are:
1- Team Building - Problem Identification Week
2 – The week to reach the needs of customers and test solutions
3 – The week to test the solution and build a model for the solution
4- Test the model with real customers
5- Modifying the solution according to customer needs
6 - Actual sales to customers
7 - Modify the solution and reach Product Market Fit phase
8- Project Presentation Day
Join the Program
The first batch
- Duration of the course is 8 weeks
- The course starts in the first week of December
- In the case of student groups, the program will pause for the time of the exams
Location: Egyptian Chinese University
Think Big. Start small. Move quickly.
- The training program is designed around 8 weeks - one workshop per week.
- Due to the nature of the course, which is the nature of start-up companies, teams should carry out weekly tasks on a regular basis and finish tasks before the next week as we will keep building on each week work.
- The program is available to all university students in Egypt, graduates, entrepreneurs and others
- Special discount for Chinese University students
Team Building Day:
- The first day will help you to build a team or join a new team where the participants are divided according to their experience and interest (example of expertise or interests: marketing - programming - product design - user interface design - design of mobile applications - hardware - - graphics - engineering fields - medical - Finance - Industrial - or you are still looking for your interest) and the teams are completed on the first day.
- Teams of 3 to 5 individuals only
- Full teams can also join the program
The weeks are:
1- Team Building - Problem Identification Week
2 – The week to reach the needs of customers and test solutions
3 – The week to test the solution and build a model for the solution
4- Test the model with real customers
5- Modifying the solution according to customer needs
6 - Actual sales to customers
7 - Modify the solution and reach Product Market Fit phase
8- Project Presentation Day
About some trainers
Yasser Tawfik, Co Founder of Ideasgym
دورة منهجية ليين لانشاء الشركات الناشئة
الدفعة الاولي
تبدأ الدورة في الاسبوع الاول من شهر ديسمبر----
العالم يتغير بسرعة. تعلم العمل بطرق جديدة
تعتبر دورة منهجية ليين عبارة عن ورش عمل حقيقية تهدف إلى "دفع فرق العمل المشاركة إلى الحياة الواقعية لريادة الأعمال" ، وهو عبارة عن برنامج عملي يلهم الفرق المشاركة نحو التفكير والالتقاء بالعملاء وتطوير الأفكار واختبارها وبناء النموذج الأولي و البيع الفعلي إلى عملاء حقيقيين ، وسوف تمر باختبار فرضيات عملك خارج الفصل الدراسي
فكر بشكل كبير. ابدا صغيرا. تحرك بسرعة.
نظرا لطبيعة الدورة العملية و هي طبيعة حياة الشركات الناشئة يجب من الفرق تنفيذ المهام الاسبوعية بشكل منتظم و انهاء المهام قبل الاسبوع التالي حيث يتم البناء على ما تم عمله في الاسبوع السابق.
البرنامج متاح الى جميع طلاب الجامعة في مصر و الخريجين و رواد الأعمال و غيرهم
خصم خاص لطلاب الجامعة الصينية
يوم بناء فريق العمل
فرق العمل مكونة من 3 الى 5 أفراد فقط
يمكن الفرق الكاملة ايضا ان تنضم للبرنامج
الاسبايع هي:
اسبوع التوصل الى احتياجات العملاء و اختبار الحلول
اسبوع اختبار الحل و بناء نموذج للحل
اختبار النموذج مع عملاء حقيقيين
تعديل النموذج حسب احتياجات العملاء
البيع الفعلي للعملاء
تعديل الحل و الوصول الى تناسب الحل مع السوق
يوم عرض المشاريع
نبذة عن بعض المدربين
Yasser Tawfik, Co Founder of Ideasgym